The Importance of Mental Health: Lessons from Simone Biles and the Power of Tea Breaks

The Importance of Mental Health: Lessons from Simone Biles and the Power of Tea Breaks

Simone Biles, the renowned gymnast, showed the world that mental health is just as important as physical prowess. During the Tokyo Olympics, her decision to prioritize her mental well-being over competing brought global attention to the significance of mental health. This courageous act serves as a reminder that taking care of our minds should be a priority for everyone. One simple way to support mental health in our daily lives is by taking short breaks throughout the day, particularly with the soothing ritual of a tea break.

The Courage of Simone Biles

Simone Biles faced immense pressure as she prepared to compete in the Tokyo Olympics. However, she made the brave decision to step back and focus on her mental health, demonstrating that even top athletes need to take care of their minds. Biles’ decision highlighted the importance of acknowledging mental health struggles and taking the necessary steps to address them.

The Science Behind Taking Breaks

Research supports the idea that short breaks can significantly improve mental well-being and productivity. A study from the University of Illinois found that brief diversions from a task can dramatically enhance one’s ability to focus for extended periods. These breaks allow the brain to reset, preventing burnout and maintaining high levels of concentration and efficiency.

The Benefits of Tea Breaks

Incorporating tea breaks into your daily routine can be particularly beneficial. Preparing and drinking tea is a form of mindfulness that helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation. Here are a few reasons why tea breaks can be an effective way to support mental health:

  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Making tea provides a moment to pause and focus on the present, which can be incredibly calming. This practice encourages mindfulness, helping to clear your mind and reduce anxiety.
  2. Health Benefits of Tea: Certain teas, such as chamomile and green tea, contain compounds that can further enhance their calming effects. Chamomile is known for its soothing properties, while green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation without drowsiness.
  3. Improved Focus and Productivity: Taking a tea break can refresh your mind, allowing you to return to your tasks with renewed focus and energy. This can lead to increased productivity and better overall performance.

How to Incorporate Tea Breaks into Your Day

Making time for tea breaks doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some tips to help you integrate this beneficial practice into your routine:

  • Schedule Regular Breaks: Set reminders to take short breaks every couple of hours. Use this time to step away from your work and enjoy a cup of tea.
  • Create a Relaxing Environment: Find a quiet spot to sit and savor your tea without distractions. This will enhance the calming effects of your break.
  • Experiment with Different Teas: Try various types of tea to discover which ones you enjoy the most and which provide the best relaxation for you.


Simone Biles’ decision to prioritize her mental health serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of taking care of our minds. By incorporating short breaks, especially tea breaks, into our daily routines, we can support our mental well-being and improve our overall productivity. Remember, even small changes like taking a few moments to enjoy a cup of tea can make a significant difference in maintaining mental health. So, next time you feel overwhelmed, take a cue from Simone Biles and give yourself the break you deserve.

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